This is a long read. If your attention span is like that of a gold fish, just move on.I’m listening to a “Bass Boosted” YT playlist, checking my clients’ revenue dashboard and grinning like a fat kid in McDonald’s. It’s Friday 3.27am and life is fucking good.The reason why I’m grinning is because in most cases the payment for my service (email marketing) is based on the … [Read more...]
Understanding & Setting boundaries – When is it enough?
Setting boundaries is something I learned a lot about in my late teenage years when I was working as a therapeutic support worker in summer camps for “difficult children.” You see, a lot of these challenging children (they quickly get stigmatized as aggressive, hyperactive, depressive…) have a problem with understanding boundaries. When is it not funny anymore? When is it not … [Read more...]
I Like To Write
I postponed this moment for a long time. In fact, this is the first new blog post in 3 months. What was holding me back? Who knows, it's hard to say objectively. A cocktail of different fears I suppose. Let's explore them for fun:-I was busy with the book launch-I wanted to devote enough time & energy in my intimate relationships-I needed to take on more … [Read more...]
Live The Good Life & Travel the World for €500 a Month
“I want to travel but…” That´s how most people talk about their life-long dreams of traveling. There´s a big fat BUT at the end of the sentence. That but will kill your dreams, guaranteed. Don´t believe me? Go to ANY elderly home. Talk to people there, especially the ones about to die soon, you can kind of tell. The “but” disappeared now, however, there´s something different … [Read more...]
Life Out Of A Suitcase
Life Out Of A Suitcase (2min read time)Whenever I leave to go travel again, my friends and family usually say the same thing, in one way or another:“You´ve really got the guts. To just pack everything you have in a suitcase and go, that´s crazy.”But the reality is, I don´t have any more guts than the regular person. It´s a clear strategy, actually easier and … [Read more...]