White walls, brown doors. The gentle hum of the AC in the background. The interplay of light and shadows through the terrace window tells me its about 4 in the afternoon. There’s an open fantasy book I just put down on the sofa as I start trailing my thoughts...It’s Saturday morning, and I feel at peace.This is the kind of peace that most people would use a different … [Read more...]
Beware of Holidays & How to Survive
Did you know that people feel more lonely during the holidays? And that reports of depression actually increase? It makes sense, there is so much emotional stress during these times. The best party to be at for NYE, all the FOMO. All the people posting their successes and how awesome 2019 was, yada, yada, yada. Not to mention all the junk food and alcohol. And this constant … [Read more...]
People are awesome – Paul
“When I’m older, I want to be like Paul.”I met Paul in Bangkok last year. I took the same Airbnb this year so it’d be easier to meet him again. Paul’s a very, very unique guy, and I’m very grateful I was able to hang around him.To begin with, he’s in better shape than most 20 year-olds. And he’s in his 50s. Read that again. Look at the picture. See what I mean? He’s … [Read more...]
The hard thing about the hard things: the lesson
Running a rapidly growing startup is a bit like a never ending circuit training in the gym. In the gym, you know you’ll go for say 6 rounds. Rounds 1 and 2 are easy, and then it starts to get hard. Round 5 is hell, but round 6 is easy too because you know it’s going to end soon.The trick with a startup is… you stay on number 5 and it never ends. You get to 6, 7, 8… 47… and … [Read more...]
The End of The Hustle House
After exactly 2 years the marvel which is called the hustle house came to an end.The Hustle House (or “Work House”) is simply a cool name I’ve given to the 160m2 - 200mb/s flat in the center of Barcelona. Tenants changed, but the mission was always the same. Step the fuck up to your goals and make it happen:in businessin gym/healthand in relationships/game.Many … [Read more...]