For me it was bullying. Nothing too severe, but enough that I signed up for “Karate” when I was about 10. I was looking for protection (and unknowingly - confidence). I got those. And I also got perseverance, leadership and a family.Marko aka Bruce Lee, and I, Chuck Norris, were one of the first students now almost 20 years ago. Over the course of a few years everyone on … [Read more...]
Call to Adventure
I’ve been in my home country of Slovenia for about a month and a half now. This is the most I’ve been here in one stretch in the last 6 or so years. It’s really great here and even though I didn’t think like that before, I do now - I love my country.Even more than the country itself in all its cute tinyness, I love the people here. The first and foremost, my family. And … [Read more...]
On 6 months in Mexico and Goodbyes
At the time of writing this (July 5th), it’s been exactly 1 week since I left Mexico. Honestly, I still didn’t transition 100%. Thoughts and memories of places and people still pop up in my mind on a daily basis. Goodbyes are certainly not easy.I am lucky to have surrounded myself with wise mentors. Talking to one helped me look into my own internal processes regarding … [Read more...]
The Story About The Best Swimmer
There was a marine biologist named Paul Sharka. He was fascinated with all things related to the sea but his most profound interest lay with sea animals. One day he was conducting an experiment on just who the best swimmer in the animal kingdom is, and what he found out was incredible…He did lots of research, checked many scientific journals, and decided to narrow down his … [Read more...]
The Power of Introspection
Tenerife is the largest of Spain’s Canary Islands, and pretty much the warmest place in Europe during winter. I’ve had the pleasure of being there again a week or so ago… and it almost feels like home. Yet again, it was like a fairy tale. Think I’ve been there almost ten times, and I’ll keep going.The 2nd time I was there it was just en route to a smaller Canary Island … [Read more...]