When people asked me about how my jungle retreat went, I was usually reluctant to answer. You see, when you go on holiday, you usually go to see some stuff, to party, to have fun. And then it’s really easy to tell people how it was. “We went to see this cool *monument*, and then we went to this bar, and we met so-and-so, and then John got wasted…” I love sightseeing, traveling … [Read more...]
Your Self-Image, Photo Angles and Attraction
I look pretty jacked on the 1st pic, right? What about the other 3 pictures? Pic #1 and #2 had only minutes in between. And #3 and the #4 were taken less than 24h later.Posting pictures on social media is a huge mindfuck. Huge. It’s very complicated and has many layers. To a degree, it affects us all. I’ve been trying to understand this for a while now, but I think I am … [Read more...]
Off to Holiday
I just set up my Gmail autoresponder to tell you I’m away from March 13 to 20th in case you email me. Same goes for FB, IG, WA. I will be e-dead. Why?I’ll be doing something unconventional. Will tell you what exactly in just a bit, but let us start with the most important question there is, The Why.My eyes hurt. My eyesight went from perfect to very bad in the last 2 … [Read more...]
366 Days Of Meditation – The Lessons
On January 5th last year I decided I was going to meditate every day for 1hour for an entire year. That was just after completing my 3rd 10-day Vipassana course. I didn’t miss a single day. Not one. 💯Never heard of Vipassana? You should definitely check it out here.It was an insane journey. I meditated on planes, in cars, on park benches, airports. Most of the days … [Read more...]
So long, and thanks for all the steak!
I’m writing this post from sunny Mexico, so I’m not too sad to have left Warsaw, but it definitely deserves a shoutout.I spent about 3 months there this year on and off, from August till November. I don’t think I can call it home though. And I don’t think I want to live there again anytime soon. It was a great experience, but somehow Warsaw and I didn’t click.Maybe it … [Read more...]