Food is very important to me. The easiest way to win my friendship and loyalty is by offering me a nice meal. It doesn’t even have to be fancy (but it does help if there’s chicken in it).
I like to eat pretty much everything. Except for internal organs like intestines. Or blood sausages. Yuck. But other than that, I’m good. I love it.
Over the years, and especially as I’d work with Mario Tomic and start to hit the gym more and more, I’d developed very specific food requirements. Not too much fat, lots of protein, clean carbs. You know the drill.
And food like this is quite annoying to prepare and SUPER difficult to get if you eat outside. So there you go, even a bigger need for a chef than ever before.
And you know what, for a few months now, Teodorescu has been preparing food for me, and it’s absolutely fantastic. He prepares food that fits my criteria AND is also tasty as hell. I love his food and have recommended him to all of my friends.
I spend zero time washing dishes and preparing food. I freed up about 1h a day, that’s 30h a month. And my diet is cleaner and tastier than ever (or at least would be cleaner I just ate what he prepares not beast-moded ribs and pancakes every week in some restaurant LOL).
And guess what. It doesn’t cost a fortune.
I also have a mindset coach/therapist Milos, who helped me a ton with some of my limiting beliefs, and helps me set up goals and results that are true for me, not somebody else.
I also have a gym coach Daniel, who helps me with my calisthenics and body weight exercises. After a long day at work, it’s much easier to just let him tell me what to do, and I just do it. And when I’m not slacking off, I get a bit of encouragement too
I usually always have a Virtual Assistant too, to research stuff like Airbnbs and plane tickets or “which growbox is the best value for price LOL”. But all of my VAs eventually get either kicked or full-time employment in the projects I currently work on. So yeah, if you wanna do that let me know lol.
The moral of this story?
None of these services cost a fortune. Sure, they cost good money, and my personal expenses are about 1.5k higher than what they would be without, but compared to the VALUE I’m getting it’s a no brainer.
There are a few sub-morals:
#1 If you want/need something, plan to do it NOW, or latest in a few months. “In 5 years…” is too far away. It will never happen.
#2 Getting help from people who have more expertise than you in a certain area is smart. You win because you don’t need to do it solo. They win because they’re working on something they love.
#3 Having a personal chef is fucking badass.
I like to call this #hackinglifestyle.
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