I’d like to stress the importance of true artisan work in marketing. Information is cheap nowadays. There is too much of it. Too many reports, strategies, tactics. Nobody cares.
What really matters is whether you are able to find the right information for your customer (or teammate) at the right time. And just the right amount of information, not too much, not too little. Actionable.
And you know what? In many cases, the workers/marketers KNOW when the product isn’t polished. They know the report could be better. They know some stuff in it doesn’t make sense. Yet they still ship it. How???? I mean, you sign your name under that. You. Your name. Does it not stand for anything?
If you’re a designer, and you submit some work with simple easy-to-fix basic errors, I mean, what the hell? Professional code of ethics should not allow you to do that.

If you’re a marketer… did you think your strategies through? Does it make sense in a holistic way for the client, do you understand the client’s niche landscape? Or are you just pushing the same old strategy you’ve been copy-pasting for everyone for years?
Don’t get me even started on chatbots. An agency owner I know generated 70 content ideas via Chatbot and then sent the massive list to the content producer with a brief: “Can you work on these videos please?” And they think they did great. I mean lol. This is so, so wrong.
I’m sorry, but most of you do not have enough expertise to actually benefit from AI. If you don’t know the context, you don’t know how to brief properly and the result will be just like before – mediocre.
You have to adopt a different approach. You have to think of yourself like an artist. A writer, a painter, whatever. Somebody once said, “When you can take nothing away, you have achieved perfection.” Or something like that. But that’s the point. You don’t need 70 content ideas. You need 5 really good ones. Anyhow, I am getting sidetracked.
It’s hard to find artisan craftwork nowadays. It’s rare. If you find somebody who can produce it, don’t let them go, they are the diamonds in the dirt.
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