I just set up my Gmail autoresponder to tell you I’m away from March 13 to 20th in case you email me. Same goes for FB, IG, WA. I will be e-dead. Why?
I’ll be doing something unconventional. Will tell you what exactly in just a bit, but let us start with the most important question there is, The Why.
My eyes hurt. My eyesight went from perfect to very bad in the last 2 years. I am surrounded with people and am communicating with someone almost 24/7. Four or five calls every day, numerous messages, emails beyond count… There’s over 60 people in my company and our expenses are $100K+/mo and growing. It’s a lot to handle. Thank god for therapy, lol.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Hustler. It’s probably the best thing that “happened” to me. It’s just that I feel I’m at a stage where it’s time to zoom out, and look at where I am. What I’m doing. Where I’m going. Without regular reflection, life just “happens”.
You might wake up like Lester from American Beauty, jerking off in the morning shower. And that will be the high point of your day. You might realize that you don’t love your wife, don’t know your daughter and hate your job. So easy to end up in a bad spot. All you have to do is – nothing.
Anyway, enough with the existentialism, where am I going?

There’s this farm for horses and cows, about 160km from San Jose in Costa Rica. It’s really remote, kind of in a jungle, and the nearest village is 50km away. There’s apparently a waterfall nearby, and there are many trails around the farm. A family lives on the farm. Besides them and their animals, there’s nobody around.
I’ll be alone. I will have my phone with me, but in flight mode. I will bring the computer, but will not open it, unless I feel like writing. I am not a stranger to loneliness, I’ve done three 10-day Vipassana retreats, a 3-day no food forest retreat etc. But this time, I wanna do my own version of a retreat. Less structured, less hardcore, more organic.
I’ll have a bunch of fantasy books with me. I can ask for horse riding lessons. I can walk and hike around. I can sleep. I can write. And most of all, I can think.
I’m a little worried about the mosquitoes, and the sun. I’m quite anxious and afraid of the solitude. Without something to do, 6 days can be veeeeeery looooong. I also won’t have access to any food other than 2 meals a day they’ll cook for me. I’m pretty picky with food, so I hope that goes well.
On the other hand, I’m very excited about living slowly, and in nature. Waking up with the sun, and going to bed with it too. I’m excited about removing powerful dopamine stimulants like alcohol, sex and work-highs.
I’m a bit afraid, but I also can’t wait to do it. And when you feel like that, you know you’re doing something right =)
Do let me know how you like the idea. And your experience if you’ve ever done something similar. So send some good vibez. I won’t be able to see your response till after I’m back, but I’m sure its energy will reach me.
P.S. I read Derek’s Sivers “Hell Yeah or No” recently and it was a massive inspiration and a catalizator of this idea. Try it out if you feel stuck or need some non-mainstream input.
I bought it directly from his website.
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