After exactly 2 years the marvel which is called the hustle house came to an end.
The Hustle House (or “Work House”) is simply a cool name I’ve given to the 160m2 – 200mb/s flat in the center of Barcelona. Tenants changed, but the mission was always the same. Step the fuck up to your goals and make it happen:
- in business
- in gym/health
- and in relationships/game.
Many people’s lives have been changed because they’ve lived, or even just visited the hustle house. Many deals were struck, a lot of knowledge gained. Lots of (unpleasant) growth has been undergone. Lots of muscle gained. There were even some house parties and some moaning and orgasms too. But more than anything else, there have always been hours upon hours upon hours of pure unglamorous hustle.
The faces of the guys that lived here over time are a little blurry in my head as I write this. But one thing is certain. At pretty much any given point (including weekends and holidays), you’d be pretty much guaranteed to see at least one person sitting at the big table or on the sofa behind a laptop, immersed in their own world working towards their dream.
I’m pretty fucking emotional right now.
I know that each person that lived in the house, even just for a few months, was transformed. Not always a pleasant transformation, but a transformation nonetheless. Hopefully, without sounding like an egoistic prick, I can say that my transformation was the biggest.
Why? Firstly, probably because I was the organizer. I needed to talk to the landlord, figure out the rents, and most importantly needed to find the right people who I knew will crush it with me. It started with the search on FB groups and then asking people to send me emails and videos containing WHY I should pick them.
Secondly, because I didn’t fucking move. It gets to you, you know? Living with 3 other dudes is first of all just a little annoying because of cleanliness (and we have a cleaner come 2x week lol). But more than anything, because of the fucking hustle. Like in a relationship, after a few months, the excitement is gone. It’s not just fun anymore.
The work crawls under your skin. Seeing other people around you work and achieve their goals is incredibly motivating. But also adds a ton of pressure to perform. There is nowhere to hide because it’s obvious to the three other dudes around you: you either hustle – or you’re full of shit.
And then you end up working more, and more, and more. There is no other way. To be consistently successful, you gotta fucking deserve it. And if you didn’t have the good karma of being in a very good school or meeting some very good role models early on, you gotta learn all of it. Including the patience to persist and keep on hustling and simply trust that it’s gonna work out just fine.
After a few months, it’s easy to say “Ah, I need a change.” Pack your bags and go somewhere else. Not saying it’s bad or anything. But traveling definitely f*ucks with the focus and I do think that a big part of why I’ve grown so much is because I simply focused and prioritized.
So there you go, 2 years of pure grind and hustle. No “zero work” vacations. For most of the time working weekends too. Basically just work and gym on repeat. Working even when I traveled.
I moved to Barcelona for the 2nd time in my life in September 2017 with €7,000 on my bank acc and no real plan.
Two years later I’m the owner of Hustler Marketing, which is on track to do about half a million in 2019 and will definitely jump to 7 figures in 2020.
These are honorable mentions to the residents of the Hustle House:
Round 1, Roman, Alessio, Harry.
Round 2: Roman, Charles, Baptiste.
Round 3: Eroslav, Jack, Oliver.
Round 4: Eroslav, Alessio, Jan
Round 5: Daniel, Luca, Joseph, Pierre
In total 14 guys. Some people will stay life-long friends. Some people came and went and are doing their thing. And all I have in my heart is gratitude. I’m just so grateful to have been able to do and experience this.
So many stories. So much competition, so much compassion, advice, companionship… or better put with just one word – brotherhood.
I literally still can’t believe it’s ending. It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing. But like all things, this too must end.
I’ll try a different sort of house now. I think a little less hustle oriented. And it’s me moving in with a girl too, who would have thought, huh?
Anyway, thanks for reading all the way till here dear reader, and I hope this was beneficial.
You dig this post? Drop me some feedback under the comments. How did it make you feel? Will you do your own house? What concerns you?
Pro Tip:
#1 Go make your own hustle house, it’s not that hard.
#2 Please understand this: Windows of opportunity do not stay open forever. Each day you wait, it becomes a little harder. You become a little older. You become a little more convinced that you’re just not made to “make it”. There has never been a better time to live. Internet’s got your back. You just gotta take it.
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