This was about a year ago. Just started the #hustlehouse in Barcelona, and had no idea my business will take off like it did…
A lot changed since. But a lot also didn’t.
I am happy now. I was happy then.
I was super happy when I traveled the world as an unpaid assistant for months and months. I was happy when I was a social worker handling aggressive kids in London. I was happy to go on an exchange year in Lithuania, even though it wasn’t my 1st choice.
I was happy when I had pneumonia and every little movement hurt like a bitch. At least I could play computer games 10h/day without guilt.
I was happy yesterday when I went ice skating. It was in Sofia (Bulgaria), so the ice skating ring was a little bit more ghetto than I’d like, but it was great.
Happiness is a choice, and also a habit. There’s absolutely nothing stopping you from being happy right now.
And btw, when I write “happy”, I mean “at peace”. The meaning of the word happy has been raped and it’s unclear of what it means to each of us.
Lastly, as Ray Dalio said in Principles; there are a few things that don’t change that much as you get older and more successful.
Good food. Good sex. Good sleep.
Life doesn’t get much better than that.
Btw, fun exercise. If you could only pick one of the three above, and you would be immortal (you can’t die no matter what), which one would you pick?
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