I wanted to have a chill night because I knew I’d have to put in a few more hours in the morning…
I came home at 2.30am, feeling relaxed and pretty much ready to fall in the bed and sleep like a baby. And then I remembered – fuck, I still need to do the core exercises, as well as the weekly report for one of my clients.
For a short moment, I hated myself.
“I’m tired, I want to sleep. I can go one day without the stupid core exercise. I can just do the report tomorrow morning…”
And then, thank god, the power of habit took over and I spent 5min on the core exercises, and then 20min on the reporting, brushed my teeth, jerke… I mean had a glass of water, and fell asleep feeling like a champion.
Here’s a truth about habits.

Habit is a promise to yourself – eat clean, read more, work on your side hustle… whatever.
You assessed your situation, were not happy about it, and decided that you will improve it one step at a time – with a daily habit.
Every time you execute that habit, you feel a little prouder. You stand a little taller. And in the background, your skill quietly yet steadily grows…
But each time you mess up, the skill deteriorates. Your feeling of self-worth goes down, and deep inside, you feel like you cheated yourself.
And the tricky part is – it takes months to really nail a habit, yet it takes just a few times to destroy it.
So be careful which habits you decide to establish, and when you do, there can be NOTHING (except sickness or your cat being on fire) that prevents you from executing it, day after day.
Good luck!
Which habit are you committed to nailing?
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