Every time someone asks me what I do, I get pissed off. Seriously. So I decided to write a post and just link it to people who ask me what I do.
Oh, also, this post, will be written in a very pissed off way. It´s not personal. But it´s how I feel and that´s cool. Anyway, let´s delve into it.
Why do I get pissed off? Can´t really say why, probably because it´s very hard to define myself and what I do. I work on a shitload of things, and it always changes. Probably by the time you will read this, I will have a new project in mind already.
However, there are constants.
Traveling Camera Assistant
For the past 8 months or so, I´ve been all over the place (meaning Europe and a part of US, haha). You might have noticed some cool videos from different cities etc. Well those were shot in my spare time (which was not a lot) during these travels.
This is the “cool” job. I get to travel a lot, I get to meet some of the coolest people all over the world. I have crazy stories that I could talk about for days. I´m not even showing you my private photo collection 😀 I also learned how to use a professional camera and some dope video editing skills. Not to mention the hustle ethic that can´t be matched by many.

However, until recently, I didn´t get paid.
OMG, Bostjan, you traveled around the world working like a dog for someone else, FOR FREE? AND YOU HAD TO PAY ALL OF YOUR EXPENSES YOURSELF? OMG!!!111
Yes. Fuck You.
If you can´t understand the long term value of networking all over the world, meeting successful people, learning about marketing, filming, video editing and a shitload more, then you probably shouldn´t be reading this. Feel free to leave at anytime.
And yes, I did have a heated discussion about this with my dad, however, we did come to terms in the end.
2) Business Development Manager for ClickDo
That´s a very fancy term, but what do I actually do? Well, I get you to read and ask and know about ClickDo.
If you´ve seen any of my videos, you´ve seen the ClickDo logo. People start to wonder, how does this guy travel so much? How is his life so amazing? Let me check up on him.
And then they find my blog (welcome!) and they also find ClickDo.
It´s kinnda like branding, but it´s actually business development too. You see, I meet a lot of cool people, most of them are business oriented. So they might need ClickDo´s services (anything in the digital world you can think of, we can do it – hit me up). Or, they might want to work for us. Win/Win.

Lately, since I acquired sick video skills, we are going into this field too. Not only can we make amazing trailers, and other video material for companies, at the same time this creates a better brand which in turn brings clients. Plus it can be linked into SEO too. First trailers are already starting to come out. It´s a new, amazing field to explore (and sell!).
Again, in case you were wondering, I didn´t start off with a massive paycheck. However, as my performance increased, so did the paycheck. This is fair and exactly as it should be.
3) Working on Various Personal Projects
As if having a full time hardcore job + a remote job on the side isn´t enough, I work on personal projects and business too.
Boss Life Hacks
Welcome to my kingdom.
The website www.bosslifehacks.com is my baby. It allows me to throw my crazy ideas at people, and what´s even better, some people actually like them, wooohoo!
Feel free to browse the site a bit, I believe there are some really cool and open minded blog posts lying around. The site has only been around since January 16, so it´s had pretty good traffic too. For example, the prostitute post was all time winner, and brought 5000 people to the blog organically.
It´s also a platform where people can find me (and stalk me :D). It´s just amazing. I highly recommend you start your own – I can help you if you need help btw, hit me up on FB/email.
b) Boss Life Hacks Youtube Channel
My own Youtube Channel.
A little less successful story, but still alive. I love making “How to videos”, I believe I have some out of the box things to say. Things that could help people. Plus I like being in the spotlight, so fuck yeah. My videos get more reach on FB but some Youtube have done pretty well.
I need some time (and got some help from a friend too) to think about how to approach this channel, what exact contents etc.
c) Writing a Book.
Yup, you heard it, I am. At first I thought about a small, short PDF, but fuck it, I´m 1/3 of the way into a 200-300 page monster. Hired a professional editor to help me out too, so if I can find a publisher, this might be really really good, and big. And controversial.
Or not, I don´t care, I like writing it anyway, haha.
d) Video Application Project
Haven´t fully decided yet, but after I´m done with traveling camera work, I´ll settle (meaning fly around only once a month or so haha) somewhere for a few months. I´ll also have more time, so I was thinking about how to help people get their dream jobs with shooting video applications for them.
Guess what, I´ll start with working FOR FREE. Yup, it really works and it´s really worth it. Btw, If you´re reading this and think, oh, I want Bostjan to help me out with my Video CV, hit me up. I´ll be doing that this summer and autumn (2016) and I´ll move around Europe plus do some of these for free. I´ll put some adds etc on FB soon, but since you´re a reader you get heads up 🙂
And if I start not liking it or if it can´t be turned into a business after some time, fuck it, I will just find something else.
To Recap
So look. That´s why I get pissed when someone asks me what I do. Now I understand the issue better myself. Now I won´t get pissed anymore, I´ll just link this to you.
Oh, last thing. Don´t worry about me burning out. I happened a few times on tour, but I´m really good and becoming even better at taking care of myself. I take time to watch a movie, I take time to hang out with a girl I like. I go to the gym, for a walk, I cook.
Time management, baby.
Till next time,
Which sas your job you said? Lol Awesome, really
Sas? Probably a typo. But really appreciate the support, thanks!
Good Stuff Bostjan! I just stumbled upon your blog, from RSDMax youtube channel. Looking forward to reading some more posts.
I feel what your saying, I have a Full time job (work remotely) & PT job (work remotely) & side projects too haha.
Hey, welcome to the blog 🙂 Yup, one of the goals is to start post & write more regularly. I’ve given priority to Youtube for now, but will get on with writing too – I love it.
And yup, shared feelings with plenty of projects etc… However, better too much than too little 😉