People are creatures of habit. It´s been known to people since the dawn of time, you reap what you sow. One question is how to acquire long lasting iron habits. But before we ask ourselves that, let us ask ourselves which habits are the ones that will bring us the good life. The life you can be proud on and the life where you feel fulfilled, energetic and grateful.
Personal Example
I´ve spent A LOT of time studying about all the things you need to do every day to be in good shape to save the world. There was a time when I actually lead an excel spreadsheet with 17 + daily things I would do every single day that would lead me to my goal, which is in the words of Eliot Hulse, becoming the strongest version of myself.

How We End Up In A Mess
So we all know and read about the benefits of daily exercise and meditation. We HAVE TO take time for these two every day, together with our full time job/studies, right? Then it´s good to read something too, right? I mean, Warren Buffett reads 5 hours a day. Then if you´re not in an exclusive relationship, you should also go out and meet somebody new, right? In addition, some Yoga might be good together with our high intensity interval training exercise just to balance it out. Oh, and we can´t forget healthy eating, we need to cook all our food so we are certain it is really unprocessed and healthy. Also, 30min of guitar playing/learning a language is very good for us, let us add that in. If your business career is not what it should be, you need to network and study in that area as well.
Life gets very complicated… right? So after extensive testing, I stumbled upon an article from the blog of James Altucher. He made all this seem kind of simple. He divides all these habits into:
- physical,
- mental,
- spiritual
- emotional
As long as you do something for yourself in each area, you´re good to go. It´s up to you to find the practice that fits best for you. It´s up to you to form a long lasting habit and stick to it. But if you want that special edge, if you always wanted to do more, here what you need to be doing. If you don´t, its your fault. Not mommy´s, not daddy´s, YOURS!
Here´s a video from the beautiful Sofia (means wisdom in Greek, hint, hint!), Bulgaria that talks extensively on that topic, enjoy:
Short recap if you really want to hammer it in:
Physical Practice
- Nutrition – tons of diets: Intermittent fasting, Ketogenic, Paleo, Whole Food diet…You have to find one that works for you. Easy things? Cut out sugary drinks, sweets and and bread. Eat as little as possible processed shit. Even simpler? The less it looks like something out of nature, the worse it is for you.
- Exercise – break a sweat at least 2-4 times a week. Depends on your goals but it helps to do something you like. Want something time efficient? HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), I do sprints. A great plan is Mercola´s Sprint/peak 8 exercise.
- Make sure you sleep about 8 hours, preferably in a very dark room and cold (use black garbage bags if you have to) room. Minimize electronics.
Emotional Practice
- Relationships are important, so invest in them. Friends and family are first, mentors are important as well. Sooner or later you will want a partner (or partners if you are into polygamy) so you better learn how to be attractive.
- Pay attention to cutting people off, sounds harsh, but it´s not. If they support you, bring them closer, if they drag you down, cut them out of your life.
Mental Practice
- Read books – you need new input, to continually change and evolve your perception of the world and things that happen (to you).
- Create content – write, solve sudoku, play chess, play computer games (lumnosity is a good one too).
Spiritual Practice
- Make sure you take time to pray/meditate daily, or at least weekly. If you start to feel like shit, depressive, worthless, chances are you need to work on your spirituality. DO IT! An easy trick to improve overall well being is to practice thankfulness daily. Researches have shown that the simple trick of listing 3 things you are grateful for every day increases your happiness by around 20%.
- What I like to do that is spiritual is to observe beauty – stop and look, and take in the beauty around you. A magnificent cliff, an ancient forest, beautiful curves of a girl (or guy) in your arms. A great meal, a rubbish bag flying in the air. Beauty is all around you, find it, and observe it.
What practices will you strive to do each and every day? What are your barriers? Did you like the post? If so, dont be lazy, press like, share if you can. This is how you help me spread this value to more people.
Peace out,
Hey Beli :D,
thanks for this article. I usually scheduled 100 things on Saunday and on Monday it went OK, and then by every day worse. On friday I didn’t do anything from the list. How this article helped my scheduling:
Physical Practice: I still grab sugary dessert when feeling frustrated. I will do meditation instead. And from all of the above, I think, getting enough sleep is one of the most important things. I regenerate from the gym, and I am able to function normally and do all the other practices more effectively. It is damn hard to meditate when sleeping only 3 hours.. Weekends usually break my sleeping pattern, when I go party. But yea, I do it for…emotional practice….:)
Emotional Practice: I completely change my social circle with positive poeple in the last 5 months, for which I am grateful to you too for introducing me to your social circle.
Mental Practice: I read when I have time. I hope watching videos and reading forums counts. 🙂 And I just installed Lomosity on my mobile phone.
Spiritual Practice: Definitely the one, that I need to work on the most. In this social matrix we are programmed to aim for success like robots. If you’re not successful you should feel bad. Thankfulness and observing beauty are on my practice list.
Sweet, thanks for the lengthy reply mr. Creation 🙂 I´d say if sugary desserts are a big part of your routine, don´t ditch them completely, you will probably break, it´s just how it is. A great option is to ditch them 6 days a week and allows yourself a cheat day, or only a cheat meal, if you are really hard on yourself. Yes long nights on weekends dont help, however, a 1.5h nap in the afternoon will help. So for example, you go to bed at 4am after Friday night, still make effort to wake up around 10 at the latest, add a nap around 2 pm and then you will be tired when it comes to 10/11pm again. Hope this helps! Observe beauty definitely, next time you cuddle with that girl… 😉
Hey Bostjan!
I’m amazed at how much you have created on this blog and your youtube channel, and so far it seems to be good.I assume it also had to take a lot of effort to make all of this and for that i am grateful.I practiced the art of improving the areas you mentioned,except for the relationship part which im trying to work on right now.
Keep up the good work
Thanks for the comment! Yeah man, slowly but steadily. It’s definitely a side hustle, but it itches me anyway, so I post about what I think a lot. And if I find it helps out some people, or it helps me meet some new like minded peeps, all the better. Have a plan of turning it into a money making business (while delivering value of course) at some point, but not yet, still drawing paychecks from working for other people, which is cool cus I learn new stuff every day!